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Type:  Software - Other
Description:  PrintFaqtory replaces your printers (and their consumables) and turns your printed or file reports into real data, in a database and accessible via OPC, DDE, Modbus and ODBC. No matter how complicated are the reports or diverse the devices, PrintFaqtory has the handles all report data requirements.
Connectivity:  Modbus TCP
Features:  PrintFaqtory can handle an unlimited number of ASCII reports from 256 comm ports, 2 parallel printer ports and unlimited RS232 over Ethernet (via RS232 to Ethernet converts) connections. PrintFaqtory is also a network printer for devices that can print to a Windows network. For hard copy after PrintFaqtory is finished, each report can be directed to a local or network printer.
Specifications:  PrintFaqtory provides a subset of the industry Modbus TCP interface that responds to FC3 (read holding registers) with the first defined report having a DeviceID of 2, the second report has an ID of 3, etc. This interface is provided primarily for Modicon PLC sites but is applicable for any Modus enabled network.