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Comtrol Corporation

IO-Link Master, IOLM 4-EIP

Type:  Network Gateway
Description:  Comtrol's IO-Link gateways supports both Class 1 and Class 3 EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP. The gateways are compatible with a vast array of PLCs, both new and old.
Connectivity:  Modbus TCP
Features:  Four channel IO-Link Master to EtherNet/IP; EtherNet/IP access to IO-Link sensor process, event and service data; Class 1 (Implicit) and Class 3 (Explicit) interfaces; Write-to-Tag/File, Read-from-Tag/File; Modbus TCP access to IO-Link sensor process, event and service data; Windows app and web GUI for configuration and diagnostics
Specifications:  Rugged IP67 housing with M12 connectors for harsh environments; Wide operating temperature (0° to +55°C); LEDs for device, network and port status; Additional digital input on every port; IO-Link V1.1 compatibility; IO-Link COM1, COM2 and COM3 support (230K baud rate); Slim-line machine-mount installation